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Botonic comes with offline support, meaning that the messages sent/received while the user loses connection are not lost. Instead, they're stored in a queue and are re-sent once the connection is recovered. Botonic detects if the user is online/offline by sending ping-pong messages through the websocket connection with the server. By default, Botonic sends a "ping" every 20 seconds and waits for a "pong" response for 5 seconds. If there is no response, then a "Connection issues" warning message is displayed. You can customize this behavior.

Configure the server options

In webchat/index.js, configure the server options and time periods to solve webchat connection issues.

export const webchat = {
server: {
activityTimeout: 50 * 1000,
pongTimeout: 20 * 1000,
  • activityTimeout: Time to wait (in ms) before pinging the server to know if the connection is still working. Default value: 20*1000.

  • pongTimeout: After pinging the server, time to wait (in ms) before assuming the connection is lost and closing it. Default value: 5*1000.

Warn the user

To define the message to be displayed when connectivity issues occur, you can use errorMessage.

export const webchat = {
server: {
activityTimeout: 30 * 1000,
pongTimeout: 10 * 1000,
errorMessage: 'Connection issue',

You can use a function if you prefer. For example, if you want to display a warning message depending on the language, assuming that you are using localeStorage:

const session = JSON.parse(localeStorage.getItem('botonicState')).session
const locale = session.__locale

export const webchat = {
server: {
activityTimeout: 20 * 1000,
pongTimeout: 5 * 1000,
errorMessage: () => {
if(locale === 'es') return 'Problemas de conexión'
return 'Connection issues'