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Create a Botonic Plugin

For a better understanding, we will start with the most essential parts our plugin must have.
In order to develop a plugin for Botonic, you will have to create a new directory structured as explained before. Once created, you will have to copy this boilerplate code in your index.js:


// By default, we suggest that you name your class with UpperCamelCase
export default class BotonicPluginMyPluginName {
constructor(options) {
this.options = options

async pre({ input, session, lastRoutePath }) {
return { input, session, lastRoutePath }

async post({ input, session, lastRoutePath, response }) {
return { input, session, lastRoutePath, response }

As seen, in our plugin we have three basic methods:

  • constructor: used to give to our plugin the necessary options (JS Objects) needed to run our code, such as tokens, authentication keys, etc.
  • pre: stands for all these kinds of operations that we want to preprocess of our input, such as applying NLU to extract intents or entities.
  • post: stands for all these kind of operations that we want to process ex-post, such as adding a tracking id to our session.

Botonic will look for pre and post methods and will execute them before or after the input is processed, correspondingly.

Note: It's crucial that pre and post methods are declared with the async keyword for an expected behaviour.

Let's take a closer look at Botonic LUIS Plugin:

import axios from 'axios'

export default class BotonicPluginLUIS {
constructor(options) {
this.options = options

async pre({ input, session, lastRoutePath }) {
let intent = null
let confidence = 0
let intents = []
let entities = []

try {
let luis_resp = await axios({
url: `https://${this.options.region}${this.options.appID}`,
params: {
'subscription-key': this.options.endpointKey,
verbose: true,
if (luis_resp && {
intent =
confidence =
intents = this.convertIntents(
entities =
} catch (e) {}

Object.assign(input, { intent, confidence, intents, entities })

return { input, session, lastRoutePath }

convertIntents(luisIntents) {
return => ({ intent: li.intent, confidence: li.score }))

async post({ input, session, lastRoutePath, response }) {}

That's all! Once you have implemented your plugin, you are ready to use it.